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3rd Monday Breaking Free: Healing from a Narcissistic Mother Support Group, Support Group

February 17 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Having a mother who exhibits narcissistic behavior is a lonely and isolating experience. 

Others don’t get it. She seems normal to the outside world, but behind closed doors it’s a different story. It is all about her. As we know too well, this relationship is a lifelong struggle.  

This 1-hour, on-line support group will connect you with others who do get it and are seeking a path of healing. Each week we will explore a different topic related to narcissism in parenthood and its effects on you. 

Commit to yourself a time of new connections, effective tools and support from women who will get you and your story. 

This support group is hosted/co-hosted by a daughter of a narcissistic mother. 


Please read our cancellation policy before you register. 

Please read our class disclaimer

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We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!