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Guiding Groups to Greatness

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March 9 @ 3:30 pm 6:00 pm

Guiding Groups to Greatness: Faith – Based Facilitation
Ready to help other motherless daughters in new ways? Ready to continue your own healing?

The best way for you to continue your healing is to help others. Become a facilitator! Don’t know how? In this course, we will equip you to help others as a MDM Facilitator.

The content focuses on motherless daughters, and the concepts and principles apply to all groups.

A pre-requisite to become an MDM Facilitator is the completion of an MDM Course.

Interested but have not completed one of these courses? Contact motherlessdaughtersministry@gmail.com to discuss your interest.
$597.00 For 10 week course

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!