About Motherless Daughters Ministry

The Motherless Daughters Ministry embraces all women who've missed out on a nurturing maternal bond. We understand this absence can come from a mother's passing, emotional unavailability, or even physical presence without true connection.

Our supportive community and resources empower you to navigate the challenges of being motherless. No matter your story, you belong here. We'll walk beside you on your healing journey.


The Motherless Daughters Ministry is a Christian organization dedicated to serving women who have lost or missed the nurturing care of a mother. We fulfill our mission by freeing women from the bondage of grief and loss through self-discovery, understanding how loss has shaped their lives, and by empowering them to journey towards healing themselves, and helping others.

Statement of Faith

As a Christian organization, the Motherless Daughters Ministry believes:

About God:

  • That there is one true God. He is personal and knowable.
  • God manifests Himself in three persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit who lives within each one of us and empowers us.

About Ourselves and Others:

  • We believe that God has given us the unique privilege to help free the women who come to us from the bondage of grief and loss.
  • As Christian believers, we embrace others in love and show Christian maturity.
  • We respect individual differences.
  • We help motherless daughters who come to us to mend their relationships with God.
  • We embrace the gifts and lives that God has planned for these motherless daughters.

Our Core Values

We value the courage it takes to embark on the journey to healing and to explore the scars left by mother loss. Transformational change always takes courage.

We respect each motherless daughter who participates in this ministry or volunteers to serve in this ministry.

We help motherless daughters explore how mother loss has shaped their lives. Education equals empowerment. Empowerment contributes to emotional health.

We equip motherless daughters with knowledge to journey toward freedom and experience the gifts God has for them.

We empower motherless daughters to make choices that will help them heal and change the way they look at their past and their future. Empowered motherless daughters decide how they wish to react to the loss instead of letting the loss decide for them.

We are a community of women who welcome any woman who is motherless regardless of age, race, or religious background. Motherloss knows no age, denomination, or ethnicity. It crosses all groups and binds us together into one community.

We maintain the integrity, safety, and privacy of each woman. We value the trust women place in us by sharing their stories.

We value the commitment of our volunteers and the gift of their time to the ministry. We will equip our servant leaders with the knowledge, skills, and resources to help others. We embrace growth that advances the ministry.


The Motherless Daughters Ministry is the premier source for healing women from the wounds of mother loss through Christ-centered, holistic empowerment.

Would you like to hear this? Come, listen, my daughter, and I will tell you what you are made for and how my dreams for you are far greater than you could imagine!