Communications Team

Gladys Bell

Communications Team, Podcasting Team

Gladys Bell Med, CFCS recently retired from Santa Maria Community Services after 19 years during which she served as a Center Director, Program Manager, Volunteer Manager and Human Resource Associate. Previously, she worked at a United Way home health care . . . Read More

C. A. Bleu

Blog Writer, Communications Team

Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio I now call Knoxville, TN home. My motherless daughter journey began when I was thirteen years old and woke up to find that my mother had died suddenly. My world changed forever with the death of my mother and it was at that . . . Read More

Mary Ellen Collins, PhD

Communications Team

I am passionate about sharing the knowledge and wisdom that I have gathered over the last 20+ years of working with motherless daughters.  Words swirl in my head.  I love to write!  Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to tell . . . Read More

Cestiny Crowther

Blog Writer, Communications Team

Cestiny Crowther, (nee Beuerlein), is a mother of three and recently moved from Ohio to Arizona.  She first became involved in the Motherless Daughters Ministry (MDM) in college. Cestiny attended various MDM related events; including what she . . . Read More

Cathy DiBella

Blog Writer, Communications Team

My mother loss began at birth; she was there for me physically but emotionally left me empty. Because of this lack of emotional connection, I was very angry as a child and this continued as I became an adult. In 2004, I became so exhausted from being angry, . . . Read More

Gina Ellis

Blog Writer, Communications Team, Podcasting Team

“I am a prayer warrior, wife of my best friend for 34 years, mom of 2 adult children, gramma to 1 granddaughter and Gigi to foster grands. Currently I am volunteering with Motherless Daughters Ministry in several areas after attending the Daughters of . . . Read More

Christine Fishel

Blog Writer, Communications Team

Christine Fishel has been involved with Motherless Daughters Ministry since 2010. She and her husband Kevin have four school-age children who create a lively and loving home environment. Whenever she can carve out the time, Christine enjoys writing for the . . . Read More

Danielle Ilaqua

Blog Writer, Communications Team

. . . Read More

Pat Kuykendoll

Blog Writer, Communications Team

I encountered Motherless Daughters Ministry when seeking someone who could minister to a teen motherless daughter. I began to see the challenges that a teen might experience as I stood in the role as nurturer to a special teen in my life, a motherless . . . Read More

Amanda Loduca

Blog Writer, Communications Team

When I became a motherless mother, two things happened:  I gained a more compassionate, "mother's heart." Realizing that everyone was once a little child seeking love, and that many either lost that love or never experienced it, I sought to . . . Read More


Blog Writer, Communications Team

Adopted twice. Raised with an orphans heart. Rejection and abandonment felt like a plague on my life from the moment of conception. This ministry opened the door for me to see that the shackles I was wearing, I didn’t have to leave on. That release has . . . Read More

Dottie Menkhaus

Blog Writer, Communications Team, Podcasting Team

Dottie Menkhaus was 16 years old when she lost her mother to breast cancer in 2003. Dottie started attending a Motherless Daughters Ministry (MDM) support group in 2018. Since then, she has enjoyed attending various MDM events, sharing her story and . . . Read More

Kristin Mitchener

Blog Writer, Communications Team, Podcasting Team

Kristin Mitchener was raised by her mother who was emotionally absent with untreated mental illness. Kristin most identifies with daughters of Borderline mothers. She stumbled upon the Motherless Daughters Ministries website while searching for a support . . . Read More

Mershon Niesner

Blog Writer, Communications Team

Mershon Niesner has a background as a Certified Life Coach, child welfare social worker, marketing/communications entrepreneur, freelance writer, and author.  Having lost her mother at eight-years-old, Mershon’s mission is to help other women who . . . Read More

Julie Thompson

Blog Writer, Communications Team, Website Advisory Team

Julie was 26 years old when she lost her mom to a 9 year battle with breast cancer. “Since I lost my mom as a young adult, it can be easy for me to focus on all the life events that my mom will miss. However, the Motherless Daughters Ministry has helped me . . . Read More

Sarah Lynn Wells

Blog Writer, Coaches, Facilitators & Group Leaders, Communications Team, Facilitator, Ministry Management, Podcast Administrator

I am a wife, mom of two little boys, and a former STEM educator. My world was turned upside down at 30 when I lost my mom unexpectedly. To say I was overwhelmed with a newborn at home was an understatement! I pushed my grief aside, but it appeared in . . . Read More

Heather Wolper

Blog Writer, Communications Team

I am Heather, a Christ follower, wife, mother, friend and orphan. I am on a journey to let go of perfect in order to find grace in each of life’s wonderfully messy moments.  I grew up in the South, the only child of an only child. These . . . Read More