You Were Made for More

I hear my name being whispered. I turn around to see who it is.  I feel a flutter in my heart.  It feels so warm and gentle that I stop what I am doing.  I realize it is God who is welcoming me.  God tells me “I WAS MADE FOR MORE.”  

God says “I talk to you all the time.  I hope you will listen!  I have great plans for you!  Can I share my dream for your life with you?   Will you take time to draw close to me and allow me to energize and empower my dream for you?”

Come, listen, my daughter, and I will tell you what you are made for and how my dreams for you are far greater than you could imagine!

Waiting with patience and love,


This is a three-evening course lead by Gladys Bell focuses on the prophet Elisha.  Our session will be focused on — 

  1. Listening to and hearing God’s call
  2. Responding to God’s call
  3. Understanding that our greatest limitation is God’s greatest opportunity
  4. Responding to God’s call
  5. Sending forth to do God’s will

You now have an additional option when you register for our courses, retreats and events.  PayPal Buy Now Pay Later is available when you check out. Go here for more information about this service with PayPal.

3 night course

$ 97 .00

Would you like to hear this? Come, listen, my daughter, and I will tell you what you are made for and how my dreams for you are far greater than you could imagine!