
Random and Profound Thoughts

By: Cindy Stepanek

By: Cindy Stepanek

Haggai 2

God’s Instructions

Can you imagine how overwhelming it would be to rebuild the temple? There was only a “remnant” of faithful people left. Their resources were extremely limited and not readily available like they were when Solomon built the temple. I have never been asked to rebuild a temple. I don’t have a clue where to start. I have been faced with seasons of my life when the obstacles appeared so tremendous that it felt like I was rebuilding my own temple. In those seasons I couldn’t see that I would ever move through to the other side.

In the middle of the confusion and discouragement God tells them, “Be strong and work for I am with you.” At first glance I thought, “How nice, God encouraged them.” I thought about when I am in an overwhelming situation; I struggle seeing and hearing God. As I read the words over and over I realized they are not just words of encouragement but they are words of instruction. He instructs us how to get through this situation. God doesn’t say, “Be weak and take a siesta.” He tells us, “Be strong and work.” He promises us that while we are being strong and working, He will be with us.

My One

I cannot be afraid of a God that doesn’t leave me in the pit. He instructs me how to get through and is with me.

Share why you are not afraid of God.

My Five

I am thankful for the gluten free cookies Cassie gave me for Mother’s Day.

I am thankful for dinner with my husband.

I am thankful I was able to spend the afternoon with my grandson.

I am thankful for coffee with my friend Mary.

I am thankful for ice tea.

What are five things you are thankful for?

Dear Lord,

Thank you, for giving me a way through my overwhelming situations. Thank you for being with me, and not leaving me. Help me to see and hear you when I am in those seasons of my life. Love me.

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