
Pulling Back the Curtains

Pulling back the curtains, I want to give you an inside look at ALL that is happening behind the scenes.

Everyone knows how the untimely virus knocked the socks off the programming planning for the Motherless Daughters Ministry.  Scrambling to do what we could at a moment’s notice, all onsite programs were postponed and online programming continued.   Now we must plan how we can serve women differently.

Thank goodness, we were a virtual organization before Co-Vid hit.  But our learning curve has exploded as we traverse into new horizons.  We are working harder than ever behind the scenes!


First about the programs we offer, we are working hard to reformat our programs to fit different learning modalities.   Think about these programs where participants are either in groups or as individuals.  Each of our programs will be reformatted to fit the following:

  • Onsite for groups
  • Online for groups
  • Online individual self-paced e-learning with 1:1 coaching option available.

Here is a snapshot of what the programming will look like:

  • The 12-week Journey class
    • Onsite for groups (scheduled to start in Sept.)
    • Online for groups
    • Online individual self-paced e-learning with 1:1 coaching option available.
  • The Journey Retreat
    • Will continue to be offered as an onsite program.
    • Scheduled Dec. 10-13, 2020 and March 25-28, 2021.
  • The Emotionally Absent Mother.
    • Onsite for groups (scheduled to start in Sept.)
    • Online for groups
    • Online individual self-paced e-learning with 1:1 coaching option available.
  • The Daughters of the Narcissistic Mother
    • Onsite for groups (scheduled to start in Oct.)
    • Online for groups
    • Online individual self-paced e-learning with 1:1 coaching option available. (in development as we speak)
  • The Road to Forgiveness
    • Onsite for groups
    • Online for groups (in development now)
    • Online individual self-paced e-learning with 1:1 coaching option available.


  • 1st Monday Monthly — Onsite Motherless Daughters Support Group meeting online until further notice.
  • 4th Monday Monthly — Online Mother Loss Support Group continues to meet.
  • 1st Sunday Monthly — New Support Group for participants of the March 2020 postponed Journey Retreat
  • 3rd Sunday Monthly — Prayer Gathering Support Group
  • TBA– New Support Group in development for those who are caring for a motherless daughter.


We continue to reach about 10,000 women.  Posting multiple time each week, we respond to each and every comment made, holding each woman in a long-distance hug.


Exciting things are happening.  A podcasting team is in place, members are from Ohio to Texas.  A calendar is in place.  Launch date happening soon.  Interviews, stories, and more!  Lots of work but so important for serving motherless daughters.  Watch for the Nurturing Words:  Voices of Experience coming soon.  


We have gathered blog writers from all corners of the US for an annual blog contributors meeting.  Some have never seen each other before.  Lots of good support has come from this.

Quarterly meetings, onboarding new blog writers, and desire to share fresh writing with each other for encouragement.


Monday Morning Ministry Moments videos.  Words of encouragement, profound thoughts, scripture and messages brought to your inbox each week.


We are uploading all of our videos on our YouTube channel.   Check us out!


We are searching for a Celebrity who has experienced mother loss and is willing to be a sponsor/spokesperson for the ministry.  Do you have any suggestions or connections?  Let us know at


As I write this I can now see why we feel like gerbils in a cage! Onward to fulfilling our mission to serve motherless daughters!

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We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!