
The Sound of Peace

by Gina Ellis

My childhood sanctuary was my grandparents’ home. I walked their land exploring nature. I danced under the weeping willow tree. In the kitchen, Grandma’s eyes twinkled as we chattered across the table or indulged in a game of cards. In Grandpa’s workshop, his tools filled the space along with the rich smell of sawdust.

Their home was also my landing place to recover from frequent bouts of pneumonia and other illnesses over the years. I lay on the couch recovering in the quiet, listening to the ticking clock.

Tick…tock. Tick…tock. Tick…tock. Breathing to the rhythm.

Grandpa’s large hands mastered the art of wood working. He made clocks with rich wood and fancy hands as a hobby. Every room had one of his clocks. All day, Grandpa’s clocks ticked on, helping me breathe as I recovered.

Tick…tock. Tick…tock. Tick…tock. Safe…breathe. Safe…relax. Safe…be.

Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything. The world is chaotic. Our new normal is working from home instead of among coworkers. We rearrange our priorities and figure out new ways to stay connected. We rethink old habits to protect our health.

This day has been full, productive, and stressful, yet I remain unhurried.

Tick…tock. Tick…tock. I breathe again, relaxed.

This inexpensive clock sounds much like one from my grandparents’ home. It brings me unexpected peace. It keeps me grounded. The earth still blooms, people still walk their dogs, air still fills my lungs. I have a place and purpose in the world.

Like the home of my grandparents, my faith and the Motherless Daughters Ministry community continue to provide me space to just be.

What item, or sensory experience, brings you to a place of comfort, peace and hope?

Here are a couple of my favorite verses from the Bible that provide me comfort. I pray that you find some inspiration in them as well.

The name of the LORD is a fortified tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD,
make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

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