
My Path to “The Journey”

By: The Podcast Team

“The Journey Retreat: Healing the Wounds of Mother Loss One Step at a Time” was inspired by God and designed to be a catalyst for the grief journey. Jill McKinney gives a candid account of her journey to “The Journey,” and becoming a member of the  Motherless Daughters Ministry team.

In this “voice of experience” you can hear the description of what it felt like to be a motherless daughter before the author knew how to label the situation. Jill shares with us the family dynamics that impacted her life, how her adult relationships have been affected and what helped her along the way. This is her testimony to the impact of “The Journey Retreat.”

For more than 20 years The Motherless Daughters Ministry has touched the lives of women who have lost or never experienced the nurturing care of a mother.  Click here to register for “The Journey Retreat: Healing the Wounds of Mother Loss One Step at a Time.”

The MDM tools and resources have proven themselves powerful and have created a strong community of people who support one another on the grief journey. After listening to the podcast, send us an email or leave a voicemail message from our website,

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Have a blessed day!

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