
God’s Waiting Room

This is where I am at right now. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.  

Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”  “God does everything right and on time.”  

Waiting rooms are not my favorite place to be. Just think about how much time we spend waiting. We wait for doctor’s appointments. We wait to be served in a restaurant. We wait in line at Disney World for a few minutes of entertainment.  

Just the other day, I hurried so I would not be late for an appointment. I hate to be late. Please take a seat and someone will be with you shortly. And so I did. Several people came in after me.  They were also asked to take a seat.  

But they didn’t sit very long until a person came out and escorted them to their appointment. Someone came to get the next, and the next, and the next until there was only me waiting.  

Just checking, I ask, but I have been waiting for over 40 minutes and others who came in before me have already been waited on. Your provider will be with you shortly. When she did come to get me, I was really angry because of the wait.    

Isn’t that what is happening in waiting rooms? We often think we have been forgotten. We get out of sorts because we feel neglected. We certainly do not understand the other side of the story. 

I am in a waiting room now. God’s waiting room. I experience a range of emotions from anger to depression to tears and anxiety.   

Have you forgotten me God? I am waiting. Please give me some insight into your plan. Silence. Silence.   

When we think God is not hearing us, we are tempted to create action. Take it back and out of God’s hands. No, don’t do that. Wait. So here I sit in my sorrow, waiting.  

What do we have to do to wait on God? Waiting can take more faith as taking initiative.  

What do you need to remember when you are waiting on God and what do you need to do? When we have asked God for something and it hasn’t happened yet and we are in that delay period, in the waiting room, 10 things to REMEMBER . . . 

  1. We have to remember there is a natural delay between planting and harvesting. We will always get results in a different season than when we sow. We reap in a different season than we sow. Wait in faith. 
  1. We have to remember there is an unseen battle going on in a realm we don’t even understand. We are caught right in the middle. We may experience doubt, discouragement and depression. Remember “A delay is not a denial” 
  1. We have to remember God is preparing us for His blessing. God has a bigger and better answer for me. He wants to get me ready. Waiting is always a test. Testing my faith. If it feels as if you going through the fire, keep going. Waiting will build character, trust, and faith.  
  1. We have to remember we are in good company while I am waiting. Millions have sat where I am sitting. All of the saints before me have been where I am right now. I am good company.  
  1. We have to remember God always keeps His promises. Don’t focus on what I can’t do, focus on what God can do.  
  1. We have to remember God has some things He wants to teach you some things before the seed sprouts. Write down the lessons you learn while you are waiting. Write it down or you will forget them. 
  1. We have to remember that waiting is a good time to memorize scripture. Write down the lessons I am learning.  
  1. We have to remember waiting is always the season to learn and listen. God has some things he wants to teach you while you are waiting. Write them down so you will not forget them. The way to the promised land is through the wilderness.  
  1. We have to remember to act as though we already have it. This is called faith. We wonder, worry and whine. How, when, and why Lord. Mark 11:24 tells us “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Believe you have received it and it will be yours. Waiting is not being passive. You are waiting in faith. Act as though you already have it.  
  1. We have to remember to Imitate the habits that grow strong faith. Keep on putting into practice, find a stronger Christian and imitate their faith. 

And lastly we have to remember when in the waiting room do not put your life on hold. Waiting is the time to develop habits and skills that you will use later on. All of the saints before you have been where I am right now. I am in good company. I see you there.  You are waiting too.   

2 replies on “God’s Waiting Room”

Beautiful! Thank you for your encouragement Mary Ellen. May God bless you during this waiting season.

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