
What’s Your Chicken Noodle Soup?

By: The Podcast team

Chicken Soup has for a long time been associated with comfort and healing. The history goes back to the 2nd century BC. Medical and other health care personnel have written about its benefits in multiple areas of health. It can provide social and emotional comfort as well as physical comfort, while supplying supplements that promote health. This episode shares part of Danielle Ilaqua’s journey through layers of emotions as she tried to adjust to life without her mother.

The Motherless Daughters Ministry has a NEW opportunity for you! “Age of Loss & Stages of Emotional Development” focuses on the impact of loss on development and the effect on adulthood. Secure your seat today. For more information and to register CLICK HERE

Podcast Episode highlights a blog post from Danielle:

“Age of Loss & Stages of Emotional Development:” Register for Session #2 0-6 years old

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