
Mershon Niesner

Mershon Niesner has a background as a Certified Life Coach, child welfare social worker, marketing/communications entrepreneur, freelance writer, and author. 

Having lost her mother at eight-years-old, Mershon’s mission is to help other women who have experienced loss move forward in a healthy way. She’s doing this by writing for the Motherless Daughters Ministry blog, publishing Mom’s Gone, Now What? Ten Steps to Help Daughters Move Forward After Loss, and speaking on the topic of loss.

Between them, Mershon and her husband have six children, nineteen grandchildren, and eight great-grands. 

Mershon Niesner, Author

Book:  Mom’s Gone, Now What

Twitter: @MershonN
Instagram: mershonniesner/

Would you like to hear this? Come, listen, my daughter, and I will tell you what you are made for and how my dreams for you are far greater than you could imagine!