I really felt led to take the Motherless Daughter’s class back in the summer. I knew it was the next step in my journey of healing. I had no idea how powerful these 12 weeks would be. Yes, this was a time where mourning and pain took place but it was also a time of comfort. I felt so comforted in my pain. I felt like I wasn’t alone and that gave me strength to continue to face and embrace the loss of my mother. I cannot think of a time where I felt so encouraged. So filled with hope, week after week. It’s amazing how pain can bring people together. I felt like these women knew me and loved me, even after a short time. I think if you are afraid to take this class, know that you will not be on the journey alone. The women in your class will be with you every step of the way. You will feel your burden, that heavy weight of sorrow, being carried amongst all of you. You will not be left to yourself. You will not be left alone in the pain to figure it out, to find your way. Take the step of faith. It will be worth it.