KR (Emotionally Absent Mother class)

I discovered this ministry many years before I was ready to fully embrace the fact that my mother was truly emotionally absent and that this fact left me with deep wounds that would not heal on their own. When I finally decided it was time to face this truth, I signed up for the Emotionally Absent Mothers class and was immediately introduced to other women who “get me.” I instantly bonded with the others in my group as the shame of my feelings towards my mother and myself was washed away. I’ll be honest – the book was tough to read. It was hard to take in the true extent of the loss I experienced but hope triumphed over sorrow. Ironically, towards the very end of the class, my mother began yet again to exhibit the same behaviors that have left me feeling empty and emotionally broken. Although it still hurts to experience this, I was able to view her actions in a much healthier way thanks to the work we accomplished in this class.

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!