
Are You Willing to Do Anything?

A few months ago, I joined a Women’s Bible study at my church and we did a study by Jennie Allen called Restless. I didn’t really know anything about Jennie Allen, but from Week 1 of our study I immediately knew she was a gifted writer and teacher. Her passion for God was evident.

Soon after our study ended, I came across this book: Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul. The title pulled me in immediately, and when I saw it was written by Jennie Allen I knew I had to read it. The book is all about how Jennie and her husband prayed a simple prayer, “God, we will do anything. Anything,” and the extraordinary events that took place afterwards.

While I won’t share all the details of how God responded to that prayer (I highly encourage you to read the book), I will say that part of Jennie’s story includes adopting a son and God giving her a vision. This vision was to help lead and equip women as they pursue a deeper relationship with Him. Jennie obeyed God’s promptings in her life, and because of that the vision has now become a reality – thousands of women are part of the IF: Gathering, exploring “What IF we lived like Jesus?”

What I love about Jennie’s story is how God is using her willing spirit to change lives for eternity. He is looking for more people to display His love through. You don’t need to be famous or have tons of money. You don’t have to be able to answer every question with a Bible verse. Instead, God is looking for ordinary people who love Him and are willing to be obedient. As soon as Jennie was willing to make God her first priority, He did incredible things through her.

It made me think, “What is God waiting to do through me? What more could He accomplish if I would be willing to listen and obey every prompting from Him? What if every believer was willing to say, “God, I will do anything so that others might know you better?”

I have starting praying my own “anything” prayer. Will you join me?

To read more blogs by Julie, check out her personal blog:

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