
Journey To Forever

This poem was written in a time that I was fully facing the internal struggle of believing the lie about my identity or finding my way to the truth of who I am in Christ! Thank you for reading.

The person inside
Is trying to hide
From losing her pride.

The girl I once knew
That held me like glue
To the end of her shoe.

I began to realize
Through my blue eyes
The truth that lies
Beneath my skin
She will not begin
To let me in.

I’ve held her together
Tightly in leather
Trying to better
Her evil manner.

Forever trying
To keep her from lying
Or being defying.

She was scandalous
She disconnected much
She was oblivious
She thought she must
Be dangerous.

I awaited her smile
Walked the mile
And all the while
She never cared
She barely shared
My soul, she snared.

She will not win
I will not give in
To her and the sin.

Love will be my tether
As I pull her together
On this journey to forever.

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Would you like to hear this? Come, listen, my daughter, and I will tell you what you are made for and how my dreams for you are far greater than you could imagine!