
What The Emotionally Absent Mother Class Has Done for Me

by JL

When I first came to this class, I thought maybe I would just learn a few things. I was nervous and did not know what to expect.

I have felt for many years that something was very wrong with me. I felt alone and that no one understood me. Not quite two years ago, I decided to try therapy, Celebrate Recovery (CR), classes—anything to help me. I was exhausted from running from my mind and emotions, not knowing what was wrong. I avoided therapy because of the pain and the emotions that I did not understand, negative thoughts and feelings. Plus, God was tugging on me pretty hard to do something.

Working on co-dependency through CR at my church just wasn’t enough for me at the time. God was soon pulling me in another direction, but I did not know where to go. Then this class fell in my lap. I know God has been guiding me in this direction from day one. Getting me ready for the big reveal, as I call it. Certain things had to happen and be revealed before I could start this part of my journey. During the last two years, everything has fallen into place at just the right time.

This class has saved me in more ways than I can even begin to explain. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God Himself led me here. Although I still have a long journey of healing ahead of me, a huge portion of that healing has started in this class, The Emotionally Absent Mother. God has been working in me many years now. I have been praying a long time for answers, and I have received them in this class. This is the beginning of the end of a vicious generational cycle, or at least I hope it is.

This class has defined and confirmed that not only are my emotions and character defects real, they were validated. I now understand the reason I am the way I am. I can start working on changing as well as healing. What I learned in this class can take some people years in therapy to learn. Through God and this class my core issue was revealed to me. Just identifying the core problem was so powerful for me, because now I can put a name to it. Now I understand.

I now realize that my issues weren’t just my issues. They are the same issues for thousands—if not millions—of women in this world. Before this class, my deep scars were impossible to even identify let alone talk about. I learned that “knowledge is wisdom” and it truly is. There is much power in that statement. This class along with the book, The Emotionally Absent Mother, knows how to bring your thoughts and emotions to life. No one needs to walk around feeling numb and alone. I can finally identify with something, know it’s real and know that I am not crazy. I now understand what happened and why, which is powerful for me.

God is a gracious, loving, caring God who is healing me. I am so grateful to Him. I never understood how people could say that they feel God’s love and really mean it. I never have, and it’s because of all the walls and blocks I have had. Now I am beginning to understand as those walls come down. I now am starting to feel His love. God showed me my core issue. He spoke it to me, “Abandonment.” The light bulb turned on and my life truly flashed before my eyes that day. Everything that I have been through comes back to this. This is such a huge revelation and truly life-changing. Just knowing this and putting a name to my dysfunction is ground-breaking for me. Of course, God knows this, and now I can start the work of healing.

I am grateful for this program and for you ladies and for what you’re doing for so many women. I am thankful for your obedience to the Lord in serving others. This is what Christ calls us to do. You help to heal women, which strengthens His kingdom. You are helping women in life-changing ways.

I give glory to God for the work He is doing in and for me through you.

Upcoming Emotionally Absent Mother class, 6 weeks, click here for more details.

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