
Getting Rid of the Roots

Healing is a process. When one suffers trauma such as mother loss at a young age seeds are sown, roots grown and take hold. What if the roots are intertwined, tangled and deeply embedded? Is it worth it to undergo the unearthing process? Will it be painful? Yes. Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Yes.

Our guest blogger tells us about the roots that can get established from the trauma of early mother loss. Healing from the impact of this loss is a process and takes time and work. But there is good news in that there is hope for the future.

The Motherless Daughters Ministry serves women who have lost or missed the nurturing provided by a mother. Our resources will also be helpful for those who are guardians for motherless daughters under the age of 18. Whether they are biological, adoptive, surrogate, or unlabeled, losing the person who fills that need is devastating. We provide a community of support for all women because mother loss penetrates every dividing line created by mankind.

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Have a blessed day!

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Would you like to hear this? Come, listen, my daughter, and I will tell you what you are made for and how my dreams for you are far greater than you could imagine!