
The Last Goodbye – Revisited

If you know a teen who has experienced mother loss, please share this episode. While the Motherless Daughters Ministry target audience is over 18, we offer resources that can be valuable to people in every population category. There are many “voices of experience” telling their story of mother loss as an adolescent.

“The Best of Our First Year” series has surfaced wonderful information and encouragement, but this episode is one of the best. As one of our 1st interviews, Dottie Menkhaus gave us a very candid and personal view of her journey.

For more than 20 years The Motherless Daughters Ministry has touched the lives of women who have lost or never experienced the nurturing care of a mother.  The wounds from the impact of mother loss can be hidden for years but are indicated through our behaviors, habits, and lifestyle.  The MDM tools and resources have proven themselves powerful and have created a strong community of people who support one another on the grief journey.

WE NEED YOUR INPUT! We’re reviewing and re-tooling the podcast to make it better in 2023! Share your comments. What topics do you want to hear covered? Let us know what you think of the podcast. After listening to the podcast, send us an email or leave a voicemail message. You can, also, do both from the homepage of our website,

Subscribe to our podcast so you won’t miss what’s coming up next! We can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible, Pandora and iHeart.

Have a blessed day!

2 replies on “The Last Goodbye – Revisited”

Am so grateful for your concern about this i could like to affiliate with your ministry to help ladies in this condition

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