
This 12 week Motherless Daughters class has been wonderful and I hate to see it end.  I have been on this journey with three wonderful women who understand me, accept me and allow me to be me without judging.  It is a relief to be in a setting where I am understood.  This course has allowed me to understand that what I am feeling is normal and ok.  It has allowed me to look at myself and my Mom as individuals and in our mother/daughter relationship.  It has allowed me to consider my past, present and future.  I have to remember to give myself grace and remember to care of myself.

I still have a huge hole to heal, but I have hope.  This hope has allowed the healing to start.  This class has laid a firm foundation for me as I move forward in my journey to find my new normal and my new life.

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!